Coco Fit Shop was created by Chanel DeLisser- founder & creator of Coco Fitness, Online Training Coach, and Occupational Therapist. Chanel started teaching boot camp classes in New York City, building ‘Coco Fitness’ from the ground up in January 2018. For the first time, she witnessed how women were embracing health and fitness. Chanel felt the urge to dedicate herself to helping as many ladies as she could!
This led Chanel to move her work online, investing everything into making Coco Fitness the best online community possible! Chanel’s philosophy is simple; Become Your Own Body Goals first! This will transform and unlock the happiest, healthiest and most confident version of you.
Coco Fit Shop serves as a one-stop shop for all of your body goal needs. The goal of Coco Fit Shop is to help women around the world look good and feel confident while reaching their personal fitness goals. Through taking control of your physical strength, Chanel encourages women to become the best version of themselves. Your body can become whatever you want it to be! All you need is some dedication, consistency, and faith throughout the process.
Stay connected & Join the #cocofitness community!